International & Domestic

Dedicated Transport

from 9 up to 33 (66) europallets

Pharma Freight™ is the perfect complement to Arra Group® specialised transport service.

We carry out both domestic and international transport, ensuring efficient use of loading space with the option of simultaneous transport of 33 to 66 pallets (double deck vehicles).

Full online temperature monitoring and compliance with GDP regulations ensure the safety of your products. Our offer is addressed to all entities in the pharmaceutical and cold chain industry. We undertake orders for ADR and high-value goods requiring additional security and transport procedures.

Arra Group® provides all kind of solutions to all European countries and even more. Just try us out!

Check our offer and start cooperation with us today!

Here is what Arra Group® has prepared for you...

  • double deck, GDP compliant trucks
  • up to 33 / 66 euro pallets
  • dual temperature bodywork
  • people who care,
  • 24/7 online monitoring provided by our Control Tower
  • over 20 years of experience
  • high quality service
A lot of load

Due to the specificity of the industry, the quality of our services is our priority, therefore the goods entrusted to us are treated with utmost care and responsibility.

Transport of the products not only takes place in temperature-controlled conditions from -25°C to +25°C, but is also subject to all required sanitary, legal, and customs regulations.

Arra Group® guarantees 24/7 online monitoring both in domestic and international transport, provided by our specialists from Control Tower.

We also carry out regular GDP training for all our employees, beginning with drivers and ending with administrative staff, so that everybody knows what is important in their job.

The best quality

The certificates, awards, and memberships give you a guarantee of reliabile and long-lasting cooperation

Logo Good Distribution Practice Certified - Monocolor for Arra Group website
- Monocolor for Arra Group website
Bureau Veritas ISO 9001 2015
Logo FIATA - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Logo SQAS Assessed Company - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Dun&bradstreet Logo
Logo Dekra Certified - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Logo Medal Europejski - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Logo Gazele Biznesu 2020 - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Logo Firma Dobrze Widzana - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Arra Group® Sales
Get a call back

Leave us your contact details and we will get in touch with you soon!

Arra Group®
Piastowska 5
67-200 Głogów

+48 506 939 148
Who do we cooperate with?
Logo Abacus Medicine - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Logo TransPharma International - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Logo CST Pahrma Limited - Monocolor for Arra Group website
Logo Medcore - Monocolor for Arra Group website